Hit That Jive Productions

A Non-Profit Arts Organization

Our organization gathers in Amiskwaciwâskahikan, known colonially as Edmonton, Alberta. This land is the traditional territory of many Indigenous People, the First Nations of Treaty 6, and the Metis of Districts 9 and 10.

This land has thousands of years of history, storytelling, and oral traditions. In the spirit of the treaty and its oral agreements we are all meant to share this land and are all treaty people.


The Balboa Lab

Hit That Jive is thrilled to host The Balboa Lab workshops! Born in Southern California in the 1930s, Balboa is a partnered swing-era dance characterized by improvized movement, shared in conversation between the lead & follow, with rhythmic variations and footwork. The Balboa Lab is a deep-dive into Balboa dance technique, with a focus on exploration & play, offering small class sizes for more in-depth learning. Hosted semi-annually, the Bal Lab is a great way to focus on learning with your peers, while having a ton of fun in the process.

We are thrilled to welcome Matt Richey & Samantha Buckwalter for our next Balboa Lab, Mar 8-9, 2025!

The Balboa Lab is supported by the Edmonton Arts Council and the City of Edmonton.

Thank you to the Alberta Foundation for the Arts and the Government of Alberta for supporting this project.


Hit That Jive Productions is supported by the Edmonton Arts Council and the City of Edmonton. 

Hit That Jive Productions is also supported by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts and the Government of Alberta.

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.